04/07/97 ================================================================ Title : blahboxc.bsp Author : Ben Bjoralt Email Address : dbjoralt@spacestar.com Description : Small deathmatch level with 4 long hallways and a larger open area plus lots of stairs. Other Works : this is my first level Thanks to : id Software and makers of WorldCraft ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : for looking around Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes 2-5 players Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Sound Track : none Demos Replaced : None Source Included : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : WorldCraft Known Bugs : some items fall out Brushes : 342 Entities : 100 Build time : light 25sec. vis 17sec. on a P100 16megs of ram Win95 Construction time : 10 hours * Running blahboxc.bsp * place blahboxc.bsp in quake\id1\maps\ in quake type at the console (press ~) map blahboxc blahboxc.bsp may only be distributed provided this text file remains intact.